126 // Deck-a-Rep: Part One

In observance of forty years of Blade Runner—and in response to the many, many requests we've gotten over the years to discuss this—the Shoulder of Orion team is finally tackling The Big Question: is Deckard a Replicant?

In this kickoff show, Jaime and Patrick unpack some of the reasons this "debate" has gotten so complicated over the years. As we've gotten more editions of the movie, we've gotten more evidence (from Ridley Scott) that Deckard pretty clearly should be considered a Replicant—but we also have Harrison Ford and Hampton Fancher arguing against that idea, and an initial theatrical cut of the film (not to mention source novel) that runs with the assumption that he's human.

Where does that leave us? And, perhaps more importantly: does it matter? Does the film hold up to multiple interpretations of the truth? 

We don't come up with many answers to these questions, but we do our best to at least get the conversation started. More to come!

Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/shoulderoforionitunes

Special Presentation: Frame Rate // Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)

Please enjoy this Patreon episode while we return from summer break and resume regular Shoulder of Orion content in the coming weeks. For more like this, head to bladerunnerpodcast.com/support and join our Patreon!


Everything Everywhere All at Once is a movie exploding with life. The second feature from the dynamic Daniels duo, EEAaO is another grand slam effort from A24—one that asks enormous questions and finds comfort in the tiniest, most important answers.

On this installment of Frame Rate, Jaime and Patrick try to break down a little bit of how that works, and how this unique and unforgettable film speaks to them.

Thanks as always for your support!!

Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/shoulderoforionitunes

124 // Artificial Intelligence Part Three: JOI & Rachael

In this final entry in our Artificial Intelligence series, Patrick and Jaime are joined by contributing hosts Micah Greene and Peter from the Midwest. It's been a few years since we've hosted an episode diving into Joi and Rachael. What better way to end this series than a discussion around what might be arguably the most endearing and incendiary characters found in both Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049? Join us for an intense and in-depth discussion. 

Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/shoulderoforionitunes

121 // Artificial Intelligence Part Two: The A.I. of Alien & Blade Runner

In this episode, hosts Patrick, and Jaime are joined by contributing host Peter from the midwest to discuss artificial intelligence as featured in Alien and Blade Runner. This is a bit of a crossover episode as we explore why the kinds of A.I. exists in both of these worlds and what's really behind the need for such technology. This was a fascinating and complicated discussion. We hope you enjoy!

120 // Artificial Intelligence: Part One

Artificial Intelligence has long been a hotly debated topic. What are the implications of a society augmented by A.I.? What is A.I.? Will A.I. save humanity from itself, or will it destroy it? In this episode, Jaime & Patrick tackle the question of A.I. and how its iterated in our real lives and on film. This is part one of a series of discussions as we lead into the 40th anniversary of Blade Runner.

119 // Vangelis: A Memoriam

In this episode, Patrick, Peter and Jaime come together to discuss the death of Vangelis. From his score for Chariots of Fire, to Blade Runner, and 1492: Conquest of Paradise, Vangelis has held his own, creating musical tapestries that have kept their own orbit from the moment he began making music. Join us as we talk about the legacy of Vangelis, and the space he leaves behind.

118 // Visions of the Future: Part Two

We'd like to thank all of our listeners and supporters during this short break. We are pleased to present to you a follow up to Visions of the Future with this part two installment. In this episode, Patrick, Peter and Jaime dive further into what a future could look like through the lens of Blade Runner and our current world. Will the lack of empathy lead to our destruction? Join us and take part in the discussion!

 Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/shoulderoforionitunes

117 // Visions of the Future: A Shoulder of Orion Roundtable

Art by Sad Mead

What were your first thoughts about what the future would look like? Was there a film or a show that captured that? In this episode, the full hosting team of Shoulder of comes together to talk about the idea of futurism as iterated in film and tv, and what it means to each of us, and how it's changed over the years. We hope you enjoy this episode, as much as we enjoyed recording it.

116 // Therefore I Am: Discussing Pris

Daryl Hannah's portrayal of Pris in Blade Runner has inspired countless works of tribute art, contemporary runway fashion, and killer cosplays. But beyond her cyberpunk/clown aesthetic and gymnastic combat skills lies a complicated, nuanced character.

In this episode, Jaime and Patrick discuss Pris as a prism for issues like enslavement, otherism, and manipulation. They also talk about how Pris sets up wonderful horror beats in Blade Runner, and how she ends up tricking not only Sebastian and Deckard but the audience itself.

Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/shoulderoforionitunes

114 // Dissecting Amazon’s Blade Runner 2099 Announcement

Blade Runner fandom was rocked this past week with the news of a brand new sequel series to Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049. In this audio version of our live video update, Jaime and Patrick break down all the news while discussing the challenges of bringing such a beloved IP, with two near perfect films to the small screen. Are Alcon and Amazon up to the task? Can the universe of Blade Runner be justified in a smaller format? We attempt to answer all of these questions and more. Join us.

113 // Enhance. Stop: The Costumes of Blade Runner | Part Two

The aesthetic world of Blade Runner 2049 is a vision at once reminiscent of the original Blade Runner and entirely original. Brutal, bleak, and beguiling, the costumes of 2049 reveal inner truths about the characters in subtle and complex ways.

Join Jaime and Patrick as they continue our previous episode's discussion on costumes with a leap into 2049—and stick around for our next roundtable, where we'll dig even deeper.

Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/shoulderoforionitunes

112 // Enhance. Stop: The Costumes of Blade Runner | Part One

In this episode, Jaime and Peter are joined by friend and listener of the show, Christian Matzke to discuss the costumes in Ridley Scott's Blade Runner. What do costumes tell us about character? What does a believable future look like? We dive into these questions and more as we pull back the endless layers of the Blade Runner universe through its incredible costume design.

110 // Reviewing Blade Runner: Origins #1 through #8

Blade Runner: Origins is one of the boldest, most innovative storylines we've seen in all of Blade Runner to date. A story about identity, selfhood, family, and fate, Origins has struck a chord with fandom as a powerful new lens for exploring this world we love so much.

In this episode, Patrick and Contributing Host Peter from the Midwest take a deep look at the first eight issues of Origins. How does this prequel stack up to the original film? How does it compare to the other Titan comics to date? What does it contribute to the Blade Runner conversation?

Join us as we find out!

109 // Blade Runner: Black Lotus - A Reaction Roundtable

In this episode, Patrick and Jaime are joined by contributing hosts Micah and Peter to discuss the first two episodes of Crunchyroll's new Blade Runner CG animated series. There's a high bar set by the first two Blade Runner films. Does Black Lotus measure up? Will the series keep the Blade Runner legacy intact? We attempt to answer all of these questions and more.

Join us, and tune in this weekend on Adult Swim and Crunchyroll!

Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/shoulderoforionitunes

108 // Interview with Blade Runner: Black Lotus‘s Eugene Son

We are just hours from the official worldwide release of Blade Runner: Black Lotus! Eugene Son, a writer and producer on the series, was kind enough to chat with Jaime, Patrick, and (newly-minted!) Contributing Host Peter from the Midwest about the series, Blade Runner's relationship with anime, and how this huge new story came to life.

Join us, and tune in this weekend on Adult Swim and Crunchyroll!

Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/shoulderoforionitunes