144 // Anatomy of A Scene: The Morricole Orphanage

We are proud to present another entry into our Anatomy of A Scene series. In this episode, Patrick and Jaime are joined by contributing hosts Micah Greene & Peter From the Midwest. We realized that despite 2049 being in the world for over 5 years, we've never discussed the presence of children. The Morricole orphanage is a great entry into that discussion. Join us as we discuss the details of one the most fascinating scenes in the Blade Runner film universe. 

143 // Anatomy of A Scene: The Pushback

In this episode, Patrick & Jaime are joined by longtime listener, sometimes guest, Ricardo Silvestre to push back against some of our ideas and opinions presented in our Deck-A-Rep and Bryant and Deckard episode. Is there a definitive answer to the Deck-A-Rep conversation? Does it matter? Is Deckard central to the story of Blade Runner or is he a distraction? We dive into all of this and more. We hope you enjoy! 

142 // Women in the Blade Runner Universe

In this episode, Jaime & Patrick are joined by contributing host Micah Greene to discuss the role of women in both Blade Runner films. This episode pivots back to some heavier topics for us as we delve into female representation, and the idea that even films we love should not be shielded from scrutiny. This was a thoughtful and sobering discussion and a return to form for us. We hope you enjoy!

140 // Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049: Assessing Their Resonance

Something we've noticed lately—in social media circles, in email write-ins, in comments on episodes—is an uptick in people saying something to the effect of "Blade Runner 2049 feels more resonant in my life now than the original does." 

This isn't an argument over which film is better. It's not even an argument over which film is more relevant. Rather, it's a conversation about why some fans might be feeling like 2049 is capturing something specific to this particular time and place we find ourselves in.

In this episode, Jaime, Patrick, Micah, and Peter read listener comments on this idea and pose the question to themselves as well.

139 // Minisode: 2099 News, Episode Planning, and More!

Hey SOO Family! It's been a crazy month in podcast land, especially for our other show (Perfect Organism). We wanted to take a quick opportunity to check in on the Blade Runner side of things with this minisode, in which we tee up quite a bit of future content we've got cooking.

We also discuss some of the latest rumors about Blade Runner 2099, and think through some ways this release could be handled in a way befitting the legacy of Blade Runner

We'll be back with more involved episodes soon—thank you, as always, for the support!

Art by Aleksander Walijewski 

BONUS EPISODE: Frame Rate | The Wonder

Sebastián Lelio's The Wonder might look like a typical period drama from the outside, but anyone who's watched it knows it's anything but typical. A devastating look at trauma, belief, and redemption, The Wonder unfolds almost like a horror film.

Based on a novel and starring a riveting Florence Pugh, The Wonder released to Netflix in late 2022. If you haven't watched it yet, be sure to check it out before listening to this episode (as is the case with all Frame Rates). There are massive spoilers inside. 

But if you have watched it, join Jaime, Patrick, and Micah as they discuss this powerful film and its resonance in their lives.

138 // Anatomy of A Scene: JOI, Mariette & K | A Love Scene?

In our next entry into our 'Anatomy of A Scene' series, Patrick and Jaime are joined by long time contributing hosts Peter from the Midwest, and Micah Greene. This episode finds us exploring what exactly is happening in yet another semi-controversial love scene in Blade Runner 2049. What is transpiring in the time Mariette enters K's apartment until the time she leaves? Is this a tender ménage à trois between three non-humans or is there more at play? Listen along as we share our thoughts and opinions.

137 // Finding Ford: Interviewing Documentarian Paddy O’Hare

Patrick & Jaime sit down to talk about one man's quest to find Harrison Ford. That man is Patrick James O'Hare. From his first memories of seeing Star Wars in the theater as a small child to watching Ford reprise his role as Rick Deckard in 2017's Blade Runner 2049, Paddy takes us through his admiration and obsession with the actor, and what his documentary hopes to accomplish.

To find out more go to www.findingford.com and get involved!

136// The Rest Is History: Interviewing Blade Runner Production Executive Katy Haber

Harrison Ford, Katy Haber, and Ridley Scott on the set of Blade Runner.

In this very special episode, Jaime and Patrick were honored to sit down with Blade Runner Production Executive Katy Haber. From her work with director Sam Peckinpah on Straw Dogs and many other films, to her time with director director Samuel Fuller, Ms. Haber takes us on a tour through filmmaking through her eyes. This was a special opportunity that we will cherish forever and we hope you all enjoy this episode. 

135 // Anatomy of A Scene: Officer K Meets Luv

The third entry into our 'Anatomy of A Scene' series brings us to the moment when Officer K meets Luv for the first time. On its face, there are a lot of similarities in this scene to when Deckard meets Rachael for the first time. Joining this discussion is contributing host Micah Greene who jumps into the deep end as we break down this pivotal moment in Blade Runner 2049. We hope you enjoy. 

134 // Anatomy Of A Scene: Deckard Interviews Rachael

Following directly our last episode, Jaime & Patrick break down what might be the most iconic scene in science fiction movie history. Getting orders from Bryant, Deckard travels to the Tyrell Corporation to interview a Nexus Six Replicant. Who Deckard meets ends up changing the course of his life and the Blade Runner universe. Join us as we talk about this incredible scene.

133 // Anatomy of A Scene: Deckard & Bryant

In this new series, Anatomy of A Scene, Patrick and Jaime breakdown a scene in Blade Runner where Captain Bryant is explaining the mission to a very perplexed Rick Deckard. Patrick and Jaime have discussed this scene privately for a while in terms of its implication on the 'Deck-a-Rep' conversation and how it plays into the overall narrative in the film. As with so much in the world of Blade Runner, our conclusions and speculation add another layer in a world where so much of it seems intentionally ambiguous. We hope you enjoy and we'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas as well. Enjoy. 

132 // Blade Runner and the Police State

The world of Blade Runner has had a consistent shroud of mystery over it since its release in 1982. From the rain-soaked streets to the neon signs illuminating the city, there is no corner that's not riddled with questions and shadow. Infiltrating this environment is the presence of a massive amount police. They're on every corner of seemingly every street. In this episode, Patrick & Jaime dive into discussing why the police have such a military-style presence and how that affects the world they inhabit. We hope you enjoy!


This is episode is our last recording of calendar 2022, capping off an incredible year. From all of us at Shoulder of Orion: The Blade Runner Podcast, we are wishing all of you a Happy New Year!

BONUS EPISODE: Frame Rate | Andor - A Roundtable Discussion

We are happy to release our coverage of the Disney+ series Andor as a bonus episode this holiday season. In this special roundtable, your hosts Jaime, Patrick, Christian, AndieGeekGirl, and special guest Micah Greene discuss what some of us agree is the best Star Wars product since the original trilogy. As always this was a lively and in-depth conversation that we hope you enjoy.

130 // Officer K Five Years Later

It's been five years since the release of Blade Runner 2049. In that time, it took us a while to dedicate an episode to Officer KD6.3-7. We were delighted to hear from a new listener about his resonance with K and what that means to him. Hearing from that listener inspired us to invite him on the show and jump back into the discussion. Please join Patrick, Jaime and James as they dive back into the world and the mind of K as we celebrate the anniversary of the release of Blade Runner 2049.

129 // The Blade Runner RPG: Interviewing Free League Co-Founder & CEO Tomas Härenstam

When Fria Ligan (Free League Publishing) released the Alien RPG back in 2019, it was a watershed moment in Alien fandom. Buzzing with drama and detail, this tabletop role playing game gave Alien fans a universe of new content to explore together.

So when it was announced early in 2022 that Free League was working on a Blade Runner RPG, fans around the world took to the internet to express their delight. 

In today’s episode, Jaime and Patrick get a peek behind the curtain with Free League’s Co-founder and CEO Tomas Härenstam. Tomas is the Lead Game Designer on both the Blade Runner RPG and the Alien RPG, as well as Mutant: Year Zero (the origin of the acclaimed Year Zero engine driving both the Blade Runner and Alien games).

To stay up to date on all the awesome stuff Free League is putting out, head to freeleaguepublishing.com

128 // Five Years of Blade Runner 2049

October 3, 2022 marked five years since Blade Runner 2049 premiered at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles and changed the landscape of Blade Runner fandom forever.

In this roundtable retrospective, the SOO team looks back at those early days—of the film, but also of this very podcast!—while stopping to consider how 2049 resonates with us now, five years later.

Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/shoulderoforionitunes

127 // Charles de Lauzirika’s Commentary Track for Blade Runner: The Final Cut

In celebration of forty years of Blade Runner, Shoulder of Orion is thrilled and honored to present to you an exclusive commentary track for Blade Runner: The Final Cut by Charles de Lauzirika! As Restoration Producer for The Final Cut, Charles had a monumental task: to work with Ridley Scott, Warner Brothers, and a dedicated team of specialists to produce the definitive edition of one of the most influential films ever made.

Charles, who's also directed landmark documentary features like Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner, is a friend of the show and a constant presence in Blade Runner fandom. Jaime, Patrick, and the whole Shoulder of Orion team are so grateful for Charles' time and energy—and so excited to share this exclusive commentary track with our listeners!

The commentary track starts after a brief intro. We'll give a clear countdown so you can press Play at the correct moment.

Happy forty years, everyone!

Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/shoulderoforionitunes