88 // The Future of An Old Dream : The Production Design of 2049 (You’ve Never Seen A Miracle: The Journey To 2049 Part Eight)


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We’ve discussed the concept art, we’ve discussed the architecture, and now, at last, we come to the production design of Blade Runner 2049 in all its facets: the cityscapes, the objects, the costumes—the physical world these characters inhabit.

 We also spend time unpacking the ways in which the built environment of Blade Runner 2049 diverges from the iconic world created in Blade Runner. The visual language of 2049 is at once a profound departure from Ridley Scott’s first film and an homage to it; an echo, an aftershock, a premonition.

 Join Jaime, Patrick, and Dan for this eighth installment of our ongoing series on Blade Runner 2049.