149 // On the Nature of Luv

As we close out our sixth year, we thought we'd return to the sort of content that's been our bread and butter since the very beginning: character analysis. 

This episode was prompted by a simple question: is Luv really an antagonist? She's murderous, she's frightening, she's chasing our heroes ... but she's also clearly a victim. She's acting within the boundaries of her conditioning and programming. So who's really the "bad guy?"

Jaime, Patrick, and Micah have a great time hashing out these sorts of questions—and the questions within these questions—on this thought-provoking episode.

From all of us at Shoulder of Orion: thank you SO MUCH for your support, your listenership, and your friendship over this past year. Wishing you peace and warmth as 2023 comes to a close.