FRAME RATE: Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

There's not much that hasn't been said about David Lean's epic, 7 Academy Award-Winning film: Lawrence of Arabia (1962). The desert scenery, the incredible cinematography and editing, the casting and acting, the's just breathtaking. Patrick and Dan spent many hours researching the real history behind the script, and the groundbreaking work the crew put into shooting the film. We hope you enjoy this episode, it's almost as long as the film itself!

*NOTE: We watched the 222 minute "Director's Cut", restored in 1988 and re-released in HD in 2012, available streaming and on blu-ray. We recommend watching it on the biggest screen possible.

Lawrence of Arabia.jpg

SHOW NOTES: If you would like to dive deeper into the history of WWI and the making of the film, here are some helpful resources:

Dan Carlin's extensive podcast series on WWI (check out his whole library!)

Friendly Fire (excellent war movie podcast, Dan's favorite)

BBC: In Our Time

BBC World Service: The Forum

Based on a True Story podcast

Seven Pillars of Wisdom on Audible